How We've Helped SMARTplayds Uncover Their DNA

From all the different services we offer, I have to be honest and say I do have a favourite.  It is without doubt helping businesses identify their values.  I love uncovering exactly what it is that makes an organisation's people want to get out of bed in the morning?  Whilst I am by no means a scientist I get a real kick from uncovering an organisation's DNA - what gene do they have that makes them different from their competitors?  How does this gene cause them to behave and what are the results?

Unfortunately for many businesses, their values are glib sentences crammed with as many buzz words as possible clearly demonstrating just what they are, a feeble attempt to tick the 'values done' box.  

When we work with a business we create genuine and authentic statements and devise programmes that help bring their values to life so they become 'the way we do things round here', connecting with employees and customers alike. There is not a buzz word in sight!

So why do I love this work so much.....because when we get it right everything else falls into place......recruiting the right people, engaging with customers and articulating growth strategies.  When a business knows what it stands for and what it wants to be known for the rest is easy.  Having great values gives a business clear focus and direction!

We usually work with established businesses to consider their values, so when I was approached by Javier Gomez from SMARTplyds to help him build a team culture and manifesto for his start-up company that didn't even have a proper team in place, I jumped at the opportunity.  It was incredibly inspiring to work alongside this entrepreneur who had the foresight to realise just how important this work would be to his business going forward.  Many start-ups are so focussed on today that they cannot possibly think about the future.  Javier has big ideas and consequently he wanted to lay the groundwork now for the business he will have tomorrow.

Click on the link to hear more from Javier:



Mel Loizou